
7 Tips for Diaper Rash Treatment

7 Tips for Diaper Rash Treatment
June 28, 2016 Wemy
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Symptoms and Causes

Diaper rashes grow in warm, moist paces — perfectly at home in your baby’s diaper. They can look like red splotches on your baby’s bottom, or red scales in the genital area.

Irritation from stool and urine, new foods or products, sensitive skin, a too-tight diaper, and antibiotics taken by the baby or its nursing mother can all lead to diaper rash. Read through the slideshow for a few easily accessible remedies that can help.

1. Keep It Clean and Dry

The most important way to prevent and treat a rash is to keep your baby’s diaper dry and clean. Whenever your baby isn’t wearing a diaper, lay them down on a towel. The longer they’re out of a diaper, the better.

When you change your baby’s diaper, try to keep it loose. Clean they diaper area gently with a soft cloth and a squirt of water from a bottle. The chemicals in wipes are harsh on irritated skin, so avoid using them.

When you give your baby a bath, use mild soap, but not for every wash. Pat — don’t scrub — the area dry.

2. Diaper-Changing Tips

You have to be vigilant about diaper changing when your baby has a rash. It’s best to change your baby’s diapers often, ideally as soon as it’s soiled.
When cleaning a cloth diaper, rinse it two to three times to remove all soap. If you use disposable diapers, the superabsorbent ones can be better at avoiding irritation.

3. Creams and Jellies

You can use pastes or barrier creams that contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to soothe the skin and prevent contact with feces and other irritants. Examples of these products include Triple Paste, A+D, Balmex, and Destin. Apply generously and cover with petroleum jelly so they don’t stick to the diaper.

Jellies like Vaseline may be ideal, as they’re inexpensive and normally contain fewer dyes or perfumes. However, jellies may stick to cloth diapers and be hard to wash off.

4. Anti-Fungal Creams

Your baby’s rash can develop into a secondary fungal or yeast infection called candida. It appears bright red, raw, and can sometimes be found in the creases of the skin. Check with your doctor or nurse for a diagnosis if you notice these symptoms.

Skin cream that contains nystatin, miconazole, clotrimazole, and ketaconazole can help clear up this type of infection. You can buy them without a prescription.

5. Oatmeal Bath

To soothe some of the sting or itch of your baby’s rash, soak them in an oatmeal bath with lukewarm water for 10 minutes. You can try ¾ cup of oatmeal, blend it as fine as flour, and then add to the bath.

Aveeno makes individually wrapped oatmeal packets you can buy at the grocery store.

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